General Principles

At Aelius AI, we are committed to the following core principles:

1. Ethical Use: Our AI should be used to benefit humanity and not cause harm.

2. Transparency: Users must be clear when AI is being used in interactions with others.

3. Privacy: Respect for individual privacy and data protection is paramount.

4. Fairness: AI systems should be used in a manner that promotes equality and avoids bias.

5. Accountability: Users are responsible for the outputs and consequences of using our AI.

Prohibited Uses

The following uses of Aelius AI technologies are strictly prohibited:

1. Illegal Activities: Any action that violates local, national, or international laws.

2. Harm to Individuals: Creating content that threatens, harasses, or discriminates against others.

3. Misinformation: Deliberately spreading false or misleading information.

4. Intellectual Property Infringement: Violating copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

5. Malicious Software: Developing or distributing malware, viruses, or other harmful code.

6. Unauthorized Access: Attempting to breach security measures or access restricted systems.

7. Exploitation of Minors: Any activity that harms or takes advantage of children.

Sensitive Use Cases

Certain applications of our AI require additional safeguards and considerations:

1. Healthcare: Must involve qualified medical professionals in decision-making processes.

2. Financial Services: Requires compliance with relevant financial regulations.

3. Legal Applications: Should be used as a tool to assist, not replace, legal professionals.

4. Education: Must not be used for cheating or academic dishonesty.

5. Government Services: Requires transparency about AI use and human oversight.

Users engaging in these sensitive areas must ensure proper protocols and expert involvement.

User Responsibilities

Users of Aelius AI technologies are expected to:

1. Verify Outputs: Cross-check AI-generated information, especially for critical applications.

2. Maintain Security: Safeguard access to AI systems and protect any sensitive data processed.

3. Report Issues: Promptly report any bugs, safety concerns, or observed misuse to our team.

4. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with policy changes and best practices for AI use.

5. Ethical Consideration: Reflect on the ethical implications of their AI applications.

Compliance and Enforcement

To ensure adherence to this policy:

1. Monitoring: We may review usage patterns to ensure compliance.

2. Investigations: Users must cooperate with any inquiry into potential policy violations.

3. Consequences: Violations may result in temporary or permanent suspension of services.

4. Reporting: We encourage users to report any observed policy violations.

5. Updates: This policy may be updated to address new challenges or technologies.

Updates and Communication

We are committed to keeping our users informed about policy changes:

1. Notification: Users will be notified of significant policy updates via email or in-app notifications.

2. Review Period: Major changes will have a review period before taking effect.

3. Feedback: We welcome user feedback on policy updates and implementation.

4. Version History: A record of policy changes will be maintained and accessible to users.

5. Clarifications: Users can reach out to our support team for any policy clarifications.

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